Blog MPH

L'Expression de notre créativité collective!

Apportons notre pierre au relèvement d'Haïti

Inspirons notre Nation à se transformer

Publiez votre texte d’inspiration: poème, article, chant, piécette, présentation, message de service public…

Nurture family spirit

Nurture family spirit By Jean Ricot Dormeus One of my most intriguing memories takes me back to when I was about to go to school

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Setting ideals

Setting ideals By Jean Ricot Dormeus I grasped the value of ideals early in life through my mom’s fabric business. Whether she was buying or

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Embrace instruction

By Jean Ricot Dormeus A while ago I enjoyed an amazing learning moment at a workshop on intelligence and knowledge management. The facilitator placed the

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Nous élevons Haïti vers Dieu

Prions ensemble