Blog MPH

L'Expression de notre créativité collective!

Le Mouvement de Prière pour Haïti (MPH) s’engage à promouvoir le pardon et la réconciliation comme voie vers l’unité et la transformation d’Haïti.

Pardonner ne signifie pas oublier ou excuser ce qui s’est passé, mais vous libérer d’un poids lourd sur les épaules avec la conviction que justice sera rendue d’une manière ou d’une autre. C’est décider de ne pas céder le contrôle de vos émotions et de votre vie à vos bourreaux, de ne plus porter le bagage de la colère et de la douleur. Il s’agit de transcender les irritants de notre environnement, de nous permettre de guérir et d’atteindre la paix intérieure. Lewis B. Smedes avait raison en disant : « Pardonner, c’est libérer un prisonnier et découvrir que le prisonnier, c’était vous. »  Le pardon trace la voie de la réconciliation et de l’harmonie sociale.

Rendez-vous sur pour lire la note conceptuelle de MPH sur la Journée nationale du pardon et de la réconciliation.

Setting ideals

Setting ideals

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

I grasped the value of ideals early in life through my mom’s fabric business. Whether she was buying or selling, the yardstick offered an accurate reference about the length of the fabric. One day, after restocking, she decided to check the length of a roll and found that it was short. From that time on, she stopped from doing business with the store she had shopped with. That store did not meet her expectations and fell short of the measurement integrity ideal.

I came to understand that ideals work as the North Star giving direction and meaning to our lives, as they motivate us to stretch our minds and bodies towards particular targets. Ideals provide us a precious tool to evaluate ourselves, see how far we are from the target line, and improve on important areas of our lives. Without such a tool, we develop no appetite for effort and end up in a state of perpetual stagnation.

We may attain our goals, but ideals are somewhat elusive, always challenging us. It may be easy to identify external or objective ideals. However, the most important ones help us to picture and pursue our ideal self. Thus we commit ourselves to becoming a better version of ourselves through learning and growth.

Based on 2008 Porter Novelli HealthStyles data  only 9.8% of adults strongly agree that their life is close to their ideal. This finding means that most people feel wanting in terms of getting closer to their ideals. Hence the importance of taking our personal journey seriously and setting sail toward our ideals.

Carl Schurz said, “Ideals are like the stars: we never reach them, but like the mariners of the sea, we chart our course by them.”

In engineering a hairbreadth gap becomes feet wide down the line. Extending strings of ideals will keep us on the right track, enable us to fix our mistakes, and draw closer to the version of ourselves we dream of. Start setting your ideals today and plan to live accordingly.

Jean Ricot Dormeus

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