Blog MPH

L'Expression de notre créativité collective!

Le Mouvement de Prière pour Haïti (MPH) s’engage à promouvoir le pardon et la réconciliation comme voie vers l’unité et la transformation d’Haïti.

Pardonner ne signifie pas oublier ou excuser ce qui s’est passé, mais vous libérer d’un poids lourd sur les épaules avec la conviction que justice sera rendue d’une manière ou d’une autre. C’est décider de ne pas céder le contrôle de vos émotions et de votre vie à vos bourreaux, de ne plus porter le bagage de la colère et de la douleur. Il s’agit de transcender les irritants de notre environnement, de nous permettre de guérir et d’atteindre la paix intérieure. Lewis B. Smedes avait raison en disant : « Pardonner, c’est libérer un prisonnier et découvrir que le prisonnier, c’était vous. »  Le pardon trace la voie de la réconciliation et de l’harmonie sociale.

Rendez-vous sur pour lire la note conceptuelle de MPH sur la Journée nationale du pardon et de la réconciliation.

Embrace instruction

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

A while ago I enjoyed an amazing learning moment at a workshop on intelligence and knowledge management. The facilitator placed the highlight on self-learning and emphasized that every bit of knowledge and skill we need to reach a goal is available to us on the Internet. Then he gave us instructions on how to access invaluable resources to address any gap in our professional experience. This eye-opening workshop placed me on a new trajectory as I could follow these instructions to achieve apparently unreachable old dreams. I realize that achieving our goals in due course may just be a piece of knowledge away.

The ability to understand and follow proper instructions opens the treasure trove in life. Instruction appears to offer the bridge to growth, personal development, and professional upliftment. Often, acquiring and following instruction is easier said than done. It’s the reason why one of the best gifts we can offer ourselves is to develop the habit of desiring and pursuing instruction relevant to our vision in life. Sage Solomon said: “Invest in the truth and never sell it – in wisdom, and instruction and understanding.”

Instruction pays back handsomely.  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data consistently show that, in terms of dollars, instruction makes sense… The more you learn, the more you earn. Median weekly earnings in 2017 for those with the highest levels of educational attainment—doctoral and professional degrees—were more than triple those with the lowest level, less than a high school diploma. Further, people who engage in self learning have been able to develop big companies, find solutions to protracted vexing problems, and break generational vicious cycles.

Dorothea Dix wrote: “In order to do good, a man must be good; and he will not be good except he has instruction by counsel and by example.” Let’s embrace instruction, it will illuminate our path and take us places.

Jean Ricot Dormeus

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